Meet the Author

What you are going to read in this book has been experienced unknowingly but not accidentally, unexpectedly but not unwantingly. I want to share the same with you as it can be an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Being an entrepreneur, this book is the result of entrepreneurial experiences. I have a special place in my heart for everyentrepreneur, irrespective of the type and size of his/her enterprise. When one starts with nothing and keeps going against all the odds, he or she becomes a metaphor, par excellence.

However, please don't think that the contents of this book are meant only for entrepreneurs. After all every human being is an entrepreneur, created by God to manage the business of his/her life, as a sole proprietor. We are all entrepreneurs, if not vocation wise, life wise. This book should be regarded in its totality as a fact sheet & in no way be associated with an autobiography.

This exercise is for inspiring you to go through your life more successfully & meaningfully which would restore your faith in an age old saying...